Brand is Everything - Ensure You Have a Long-Term China Partner

As a brand owner in today’s competitive market, you need a comprehensive set of tools to stand out and grow. Easy China Warehouse has you covered with services that give you a competitive edge.

D2C Shipping Around the World - From China

If you manufacture your products in China, keep some finished goods there. Why?

For global sales. Avoid the extra costs of shipping goods from China to the USA, storing them in America, and then exporting them to Europe or other markets. Save on import duties and freight costs by shipping international orders directly from China, keeping your USA stock for the domestic market.

Learn about our D2C Shipping service
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Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory for Scaling Your Global Supply Chain

Serious about growth? Maintain some stock in China. Predicting growth can be challenging, especially when selling in multiple markets. Avoid stockouts with JIT inventory in China. Keep a constant production flow and stock in your Easy China Warehouse for:

  • USA Amazon FBA
  • USA wholesale customers
  • USA 3PL for D2C shipments
  • Latin American markets
  • Japanese Amazon expansion
  • European Amazon expansion
Learn about our freight forwarding services
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Returns and Replacements - From China

Save costs and handle returns professionally by keeping replacement parts in China. Instead of depleting your expensive USA imported or FBA stock for replacements, use your Easy China Warehouse inventory. Impress your customers with efficient replacement handling and stand out from the competition.
Learn more
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Prizes & Giveaways - Shipped From China

Smart marketers know the value of giveaways. Low-cost accessories or VIP inserts can make a lasting impression and generate word-of-mouth marketing. Build your brand and spark conversations with creative giveaways using our prizes and giveaways service.
Learn more
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A Suite of Services for Brand Owners Serious About Long-Term Equity Building

Get out of the Amazon sandbox and build a real brand. Offer replacements, give incentives, and ship globally. These are just a few of the many creative solutions and services available through Easy China Warehouse.

So what are you waiting for?


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