How To Import From China To USA – The Most Profitable Items To Ship To the USA

September 12, 2023
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I. Top 10 countries with the highest products import from China

II. What are the Benefits of Importing from China

III. How to import from China to USA

A. Most profitable items to import from China to USA

B. Illegal items to be exported from China

C. What is the best way to deliver goods from China to USA

D. Main mistakes of Importing from China

IV. Our tips how to import from China to USA


In recent years, China has taken a top spot in the global production of consumer products.

According to Bureau of Industry and Security, in 2021 the volume of imports from China to USA amounted to $506.4 billion.

By importing products directly from China you can manufacture high quality goods for at a very competitive cost. Selling consumer products, electronics and equipment imported from China is a great opportunity to run a profitable and lucrative business.

I. Top 10 countries with the highest products import from China

Here are some of countries with high imports from China:

  1. United States
    The United States has historically been one of the largest importers of Chinese goods, covering a wide range of products, including electronics, clothing, machinery, and more.
  2. European Union
    As a collective entity, the EU countries are significant importers of Chinese goods. Major importing countries within the EU include Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Italy.
  3. Japan
    Japan imports a variety of goods from China, including electronics, machinery, and industrial equipment.
  4. South Korea
    South Korea imports a range of products from China, including electronics, textiles, and chemical products.
  5. India
    India imports goods such as electronics, machinery, textiles, and chemicals from China.
  6. Brazil
    China is a major trading partner for Brazil, and the country imports various goods, including machinery, electronics, and textiles.
  7. Australia
    Australia imports products like electronics, machinery, and textiles from China.
  8. Canada
    Canada imports a variety of products from China, including electronics, machinery, and consumer goods.
  9. Russia
    Russia imports goods like machinery, electronics, and textiles from China.
  10. Mexico
    Mexico imports a range of products from China, including electronics, machinery, and textiles.


These countries have established trade relationships with China due to its vast manufacturing capabilities and competitive pricing.

 II. What are the Benefits of Importing from China

Importing from China can offer a range of benefits for businesses and individuals alike. China has established itself as a global manufacturing and trading hub, and its products can be found in almost every industry.

Here are some of the key benefits of importing from China:

Cost Savings

It is the one of the most significant advantages of importing from China. China’s lower labor and production costs can often lead to lower-priced goods compared to those produced in other countries. This is particularly attractive for businesses looking to reduce their production costs and increase profit margins.

Wide Range of Products

China is known for its vast manufacturing capabilities across various industries, from electronics and textiles to machinery and consumer goods. This extensive range of products gives importers the flexibility to find the right products to meet their business needs.

Quality and Technology

While there might have been concerns about quality in the past, many Chinese manufacturers have invested heavily in improving their quality control processes and adopting advanced manufacturing technologies. As a result, many Chinese products now meet international quality standards.


Chinese manufacturers often offer the option to customize products according to the importer’s specifications. This can be a valuable advantage for businesses seeking unique or branded products.

Mass Production Capability

China’s manufacturing infrastructure is designed for mass production. This is advantageous for businesses that require large quantities of products at competitive prices.

Supply Chain Efficiency

China’s well-developed supply chain infrastructure, including shipping ports and logistics networks, facilitates the efficient movement of goods. This can lead to faster delivery times and reduced shipping costs.

Access to New Markets

Importing from China can provide access to a wide range of products that might not be available locally. This can enable businesses to enter new markets or expand their product offerings.

Economies of Scale

Due to China’s large-scale manufacturing capabilities, businesses can take advantage of economies of scale by placing bulk orders. This can result in lower unit costs and higher profit margins.

Innovation and Trends

China’s manufacturing sector is known for its rapid innovation and ability to adapt to market trends quickly. Importing from China can allow businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and product trends.

Competitive Advantage

Lower production costs and access to a diverse range of products can provide businesses with a competitive edge in terms of pricing and product offerings.

Learn How to import from China to the USA - read our article

III. How to import from China to USA

In our previous article we wrote how to import from China.

In this article we offer information on how to import from China to USA: what are the best products to import, what you can’t sell, what are the best ways to deliver goods from China to USA and some pit falls of importing.

A. Most profitable items to import from China to USA

Here are some categories of products that have historically been popular and potentially profitable for importers:

Consumer Electronics

China is a major producer of electronics, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and accessories. These products are in high demand in the USA, and importing them can be profitable. However, competition in this sector can also be intense.

Apparel and Fashion Accessories

China is a leading manufacturer of clothing, shoes, bags, and fashion accessories. Fast fashion and trendy items can find a market in the USA due to their affordability and variety.

Home and Kitchen Appliances

Products like kitchen gadgets, small appliances, and home decor items are often sourced from China. These products cater to a wide range of consumer preferences and offer potential for profit.

Toys and Games

China is a major player in the toy industry, producing a wide array of toys, games, and educational products. Shipping popular and safe toys can be lucrative.

Furniture and Home Goods

Furniture, decor items, and furnishings are commonly imported from China due to competitive pricing and a diverse range of styles.

Health and Beauty Products

Cosmetics, skincare products, beauty tools, and health supplements are popular imports. However, ensure compliance with relevant regulations and quality standards.

Sports and Outdoor Equipment

Sports gear, outdoor equipment, and fitness accessories are in demand in the USA. These products cater to active lifestyles and can be sourced from China.

Jewelry and Accessories

Fashion jewelry, watches, and other accessories are often imported due to their lower production costs in China.

Pet Products

With a growing market for pet supplies and accessories, items like pet toys, grooming tools, and pet clothing can be considered.

Automotive Parts and Accessories

China is a significant supplier of automotive parts, including replacement parts, accessories, and aftermarket products.

Electrical and Lighting Products

Lighting fixtures, LED bulbs, and other electrical products can be sourced from China at competitive prices.

Tools and Hardware

Hand tools, power tools, and hardware items are frequently imported due to China’s extensive manufacturing capabilities in this sector.


When deciding what products to import from China, it’s essential to conduct thorough market research, assess the competition, consider the regulatory requirements for each product category, and identify the preferences and needs of your target customers in the USA.

Remember that the success of your import business depends on finding the right balance between demand, quality, pricing, and differentiation within your chosen product category.



Product: 1:16 Scale Monster Truck RC 50km/h High Speed RC Cars Toys

Wholesale price in China: $33 per unit

Retail price on Ebay in USA : $89 per unit

Logistics, Import duties, other small fees: 30%

Estimated profit: $29,300 for 1000 pcs

import toys from China to the USA

B. Illegal items to be exported from China

Export regulations can vary from country to country, and what might be considered illegal to export from China could depend on international agreements, trade restrictions, and specific laws.

However, there are certain categories of products that are generally considered restricted or prohibited for export from China, as they might pose risks to security, safety, health, or intellectual property rights.

Some examples include:

Weapons and Military Equipment: The export of firearms, ammunition, military hardware, and related equipment is heavily regulated and usually requires special permits and licenses.

Narcotics and Controlled Substances: Exporting illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited.

Endangered Species and Wildlife: The export of products made from endangered species, as well as live animals, plants, and their derivatives, is regulated under international agreements like the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Counterfeit Goods: Exporting counterfeit products, including fake branded goods or pirated software, is illegal and can infringe on intellectual property rights.

Toxic and Hazardous Materials: Exporting materials that are toxic, hazardous, or environmentally harmful might be subject to restrictions and regulations.

Cultural and Historical Artifacts: Exporting cultural artifacts and historical items without proper documentation and permissions can be illegal, as it may violate heritage protection laws.

Dual-Use Items: Certain items that have both civilian and military applications, known as “dual-use” items, might require special licenses for export due to their potential for misuse.

Sensitive Technologies: Exporting certain advanced technologies and products that have strategic importance might be subject to controls and regulations to prevent their unauthorized use.

Sensitive Information and Data: Exporting sensitive information, data, or technology related to national security or proprietary research without proper authorization can be prohibited.

Certain Agricultural Products: Some agricultural products, including certain plants and animals, might be restricted due to concerns about pests, diseases, or environmental impact.

Sanctioned Goods: Products subject to international trade sanctions, embargoes, or restrictions imposed by the United Nations, specific countries, or international organizations cannot be exported.

Human Trafficking and Forced Labor Products: Exporting goods produced using forced labor or involving human trafficking is not only illegal but also a violation of human rights.


The Chinese government’s relevant export and customs authorities can provide guidance on specific regulations and procedures for exporting various goods.

C. What is the best way to deliver goods from China to USA

If you deliver goods from China to USA you have the following shipping ways:

Sea Freight (Ocean Shipping):

Full Container Load (FCL): If you have a large quantity of goods, shipping a full container can be cost-effective. It provides exclusivity and can have shorter transit times.

Less than Container Load (LCL): For smaller shipments, LCL involves sharing a container with other shippers. It’s more cost-effective but may have longer transit times due to consolidation and deconsolidation.

Pros: Cost-effective for large shipments, suitable for bulky items, generally environmentally friendly.

Cons: Longer transit times compared to air freight, potential for delays due to weather or port congestion.


Air Freight:

Air freight is faster than sea freight and is suitable for time-sensitive shipments.

Pros: Faster delivery, better for high-value and perishable goods, reliable schedules, reduced risk of damage compared to sea freight.

Cons: Higher cost compared to sea freight, limited capacity for bulky items.


Express Couriers (DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc.):

Express couriers offer fast delivery and door-to-door service for smaller shipments.

Pros: Fastest delivery option, convenient, includes customs clearance, tracking and monitoring available.

Cons: Higher cost per kilogram compared to other options, limited capacity for larger shipments.


Rail Freight:

Rail transport between China and Europe (China-Europe Railway Express) has gained popularity as a middle-ground option in terms of speed and cost.

Pros: Faster than sea freight, more cost-effective than air freight, suitable for certain routes, environmentally friendly.

Cons: Limited routes, longer transit times compared to air freight.


Multimodal Transportation:

Combining different modes of transport (e.g., sea and rail) can optimize costs and delivery times.

Pros: Cost-effective and balanced option for certain routes, flexibility in routing.

Cons: Requires careful coordination and may involve more complex logistics.

When choosing a shipping method, consider factors such as transit time, cost, shipment volume, nature of the goods, and any regulatory requirements. Working with best Amazon FBA freight forwarder or logistics provider can help you navigate the complexities of international shipping, including customs clearance, documentation, and handling potential delays.


It’s essential to research and select a reliable and reputable shipping partner, as well as to factor in potential risks and unexpected events that could affect the delivery timeline.

D. Main mistakes of Importing from China

Importing goods from China to the USA can be a complex process that involves various steps and considerations. To ensure a successful importing experience, it’s important to be aware of and avoid common mistakes that importers might make.

Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

Inadequate Research

Failing to thoroughly research the product, market trends, regulations, and potential competitors can lead to poor product choices and unsatisfactory outcomes.

Ignoring Regulations and Compliance

Neglecting to understand and comply with import regulations, customs duties, taxes, labeling requirements, and safety standards can lead to delays, fines, or even rejection of shipments.

Poor Communication

Misunderstandings caused by language barriers, different time zones, or cultural differences can lead to mistakes in orders, shipping, or product specifications.

Inaccurate Product Specifications

Failing to provide accurate and detailed product specifications to suppliers can result in receiving goods that don’t meet your requirements.

Underestimating Total Costs

Overlooking hidden costs such as shipping, customs duties, taxes, storage, and handling fees can lead to budget overruns.

Neglecting Quality Control

Not implementing a proper quality control process can result in receiving substandard or defective products.

Inadequate Packaging

Poor packaging can lead to damage during transit, which can affect the quality of the products upon arrival.

Choosing the Wrong Shipping Method

Selecting an inappropriate shipping method (e.g., air freight instead of sea freight for non-urgent goods) can result in unnecessary expenses.

Rushing the Process

Trying to rush orders without allowing enough time for production, quality control, and shipping can lead to mistakes and subpar products.

Not Having a Clear Contract

Not having a detailed and clear agreement with suppliers can lead to misunderstandings and disputes.

Ignoring Intellectual Property Concerns

Not protecting your intellectual property (IP) rights or assuming that China’s IP laws are the same as in your country can result in IP infringement issues.

Overlooking Cultural Nuances

Ignoring cultural nuances and business etiquette can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships with suppliers.

Not Having a Contingency Plan

By our opinion, this is the biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make. Failing to anticipate potential disruptions such as customs delays, political changes, or unforeseen events can leave you unprepared.

To mitigate these mistakes, we recommend to work with experienced freight forwarder from China to USA, sourcing agents, and legal experts who can guide you through the importing process.


Easy China Warehouse has been on the international shipping market since 2017 and has established itself as a trustworthy partner for many types of businesses.

Conduct thorough research, due diligence, and planning to ensure a smooth and successful importing experience.

IV. Tips how to import from China to USA


  1. Select a reliable supplier

Researching and selecting a suitable freight forwarder is crucial for a smooth and cost-effective shipping process. Start by defining your specific shipping needs, including the type of cargo, destination, and budget constraints. Next, follow these steps:

Compile a List: Create a list of potential freight forwarders through referrals, online directories, or industry associations.  Remember to reach out to fellow business contacts to see who they recommend.

Experience Matters: Assess their experience in handling your type of cargo and familiarity with your target markets.  ECW is specialized in providing ecommerce logistics solutions.  If you are an ecommerce company then ECW might be a good fit.

Customer Reviews: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their reputation and reliability.

Request Quotes: Get detailed quotes from multiple forwarders, considering not only cost but also services offered.  Remember that cost is not the only factor in choosing a freight forwarder as reliability and communication is vital to successful freight forwarding.  ECW provides world class support at a very competitive cost.

Communication: Evaluate their communication skills and responsiveness, as clear and timely updates are vital.  ECW has some of the lowest rates for shipping out of China and our Chinese team provides superior English to all our customers.

Network: Seek recommendations from industry peers to tap into their expertise.

Visit Facilities: If possible, visit their facilities to assess their capabilities and infrastructure.  ECW is located in Shenzhen China near the airport.  Let us know if you will be visiting China and we’d be happy to show you around.

Customs Expertise: Ensure they have a strong understanding of customs regulations in your shipping destinations.  ECW partners with some of the best customs clearance agents in the world.  We will ensure your freight arrives safely and provide advice and expertise on how to declare your products for customs clearance.

Contract Clarity: Review contracts carefully, clarifying all terms and conditions, including insurance coverage.


By diligently researching and comparing freight forwarders based on these criteria, you can select a partner that aligns with your shipping requirements and helps streamline your logistics operations.


  1. Get a clear contract

Choosing the right Incoterms with your shipper is vital for clear responsibilities and cost allocation. Begin by understanding your needs, cost preferences, and risk tolerance. Discuss these factors openly with your shipper, considering factors like transportation mode and international trade regulations, to mutually agree on the most suitable Incoterms for your shipment.

Once these have been decided make sure your shipper confirms the incoterms and insurance provided when you ship your items.  ECW will always provide a very clear picture of the cost of shipping so that there are never any surprise expenses that arise throughout the entire journey.


  1. Know your import taxes and duties

If you are importing into the US, you need to pay an import duty when goods are entered into the USA. It is based on the commodity code of the product and the duty applied to that commodity over the value of the product. The import duty from China to USA ranges from 0% to 37.5%, with an average of 5.63%.

Remember that the success of your import business depends on thorough market research, understanding consumer preferences, assessing competition, and ensuring compliance with regulations and quality standards.

It’s also essential to consider factors such as shipping costs, import duties, and potential supply chain disruptions. Since market trends can change over time, we recommend checking with up-to-date sources or consulting with experts in the field to determine the current best goods to ship from China.

Read our article: How to manufacture a custom product in China.


Contact us now to see how we can help you with importing your goods from China:
